Our School » Attendance




Every student is expected to attend school on a daily basis, unless there is valid justification for the absence [Education Code 48200]. Please refrain from allowing your child to have ―parent permitted truancies.   These truancies are best described as absences for reasons other than what the law allows. They may include the following:

  • Personal business
  • Car problems
  • No clean clothes
  • Bad inclement weather
  • Walkouts/demonstration

School attendance is vital to students‘ achievement. Students who develop patterns of good attendance are much more likely to be successful both academically and socially. Schools are required to update attendance data and records during the current school year. Corrections and updates to attendance data and records are not allowed after the school year has closed. It is the parent‘s/guardian‘s responsibility to provide documentation within then (10) days after the student returns to school in order to prevent absences from being converted to truancies.

You can find a copy of Burton St. Elementary Attendance Policy by clicking here.